
Sinomedica is a premier Swiss healthcare company, specialising in medical acupuncture. The company is pioneering a science-based and patient-centric therapeutic approach that enables a wide range of innovative and integrative treatments and applications, including highly effective solutions for addressing pain and tackling obesity.
2022 - Active
Verlinvest contact
Simone Sallustio, Julius Hugelshofer


Founded by Dr. med. Massimo Fumagalli and Dr. Riccardo Braglia in 2001, Sinomedica is an established Swiss brand with seven existing acupuncture centres in Switzerland.

For the treatment of obesity, the company has developed the Sinomedica Shou Shen® program, an innovative treatment that combines a low carbohydrate diet and weekly acupuncture sessions to regulate hormones and change the body’s metabolism. Verlinvest invested in Sinomedica in July 2022 to support with the acceleration of growth in its home market of Switzerland and in entering new European markets, as it capitalizes on increasing interest in the field of integrative medicine.



You can read Sinomedica’s patient testimonials here.


Read more: Verlinvest backs acupuncture Provider Sinomedica